Find The Lattice
As we've seen, lattices contain hard problems which can form trapdoor functions for cryptosystems. We also find that in cryptanalysis, lattices can break cryptographic protocols which seem at first to be unrelated to lattices.
This challenge uses modular arithmetic to encrypt the flag, but hidden within the protocol is a two-dimensional lattice. We highly recommend spending time with this challenge and finding how you can break it with a lattice. This is a famous example with plenty of resources available, but knowing how to spot the lattice within a system is often the key to breaking it. As a hint, you will be able to break this challenge using the Gaussian reduction from the previous challenge.
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, inverse, bytes_to_long
import random
import math
FLAG = b'crypto{?????????????????????}'
def gen_key():
q = getPrime(512)
upper_bound = int(math.sqrt(q // 2))
lower_bound = int(math.sqrt(q // 4))
f = random.randint(2, upper_bound)
while True:
g = random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound)
if math.gcd(f, g) == 1:
h = (inverse(f, q)*g) % q
return (q, h), (f, g)
def encrypt(q, h, m):
assert m < int(math.sqrt(q // 2))
r = random.randint(2, int(math.sqrt(q // 2)))
e = (r*h + m) % q
return e
def decrypt(q, h, f, g, e):
a = (f*e) % q
m = (a*inverse(f, g)) % g
return m
public, private = gen_key()
q, h = public
f, g = private
m = bytes_to_long(FLAG)
e = encrypt(q, h, m)
print(f'Public key: {(q,h)}')
print(f'Encrypted Flag: {e}')
Public key: (7638232120454925879231554234011842347641017888219021175304217358715878636183252433454896490677496516149889316745664606749499241420160898019203925115292257, 2163268902194560093843693572170199707501787797497998463462129592239973581462651622978282637513865274199374452805292639586264791317439029535926401109074800)
Encrypted Flag: 5605696495253720664142881956908624307570671858477482119657436163663663844731169035682344974286379049123733356009125671924280312532755241162267269123486523
This blog might help you to solve this problem Lattice
Given h=f-1g mod q
hf - g = 0 mod q
=> hf + kq = g
=> so we can make pair like
=> f(h,1) + k(q,0) = (hf+kq , f) = (g , f)
so the pair (h,1) and (q,0) on Gaussian reduction will give (g,f) Code for the same is
from Cryptodome.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes
from sage.all_cmdline import *
def decrypt(q, h, f, g, e):
a = (f*e) % q
m = (a*inverse(f, g)) % g
return m
q,h = (7638232120454925879231554234011842347641017888219021175304217358715878636183252433454896490677496516149889316745664606749499241420160898019203925115292257, 2163268902194560093843693572170199707501787797497998463462129592239973581462651622978282637513865274199374452805292639586264791317439029535926401109074800)
enc = 5605696495253720664142881956908624307570671858477482119657436163663663844731169035682344974286379049123733356009125671924280312532755241162267269123486523
M = matrix(ZZ, [[h,1],[q,0]])
(g,f),(G,F) = M.LLL() # lattice reduction
flag = decrypt(q, h, F, G, enc)
After running script you will get flag crypto{Gauss_lattice_attack!}