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The Last Dance

To be accepted into the upper class of the Berford Empire, you had to attend the annual Cha-Cha Ball at the High Court. Little did you know that among the many aristocrats invited, you would find a burned enemy spy. Your goal quickly became to capture him, which you succeeded in doing after putting something in his drink. Many hours passed in your agency's interrogation room, and you eventually learned important information about the enemy agency's secret communications. Can you use what you learned to decrypt the rest of the messages?
from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20
from secret import FLAG
import os

def encryptMessage(message, key, nonce):
cipher =, nonce=iv)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(message)
return ciphertext

def writeData(data):
with open("out.txt", "w") as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":
message = b"Our counter agencies have intercepted your messages and a lot "
message += b"of your agent's identities have been exposed. In a matter of "
message += b"days all of them will be captured"

key, iv = os.urandom(32), os.urandom(12)

encrypted_message = encryptMessage(message, key, iv)
encrypted_flag = encryptMessage(FLAG, key, iv)

data = iv.hex() + "\n" + encrypted_message.hex() + "\n" + encrypted_flag.hex()


This WriteUp Solution is password protected by the flag of the challenge.

ciphertext = ChaCha20_keystream(key,nouce) ⊕ plaintext since we are using same key,nounce pair for both message and flag so we can get the keystream by xor the ciphertext with the message and then xor the ciphertext of flag with the keystream to get the flag.
message = b"Our counter agencies have intercepted your messages and a lot "
message += b"of your agent's identities have been exposed. In a matter of "
message += b"days all of them will be captured"


enc_msg = bytes.fromhex(enc_msg)
enc_flag = bytes.fromhex(eng_flag)
# keystream = enc_msg ^ msg
keystream = bytes([a ^ b for a, b in zip(enc_msg, message)])
# flag = enc_flag ^ keystream
flag=bytes([a ^ b for a, b in zip(enc_flag, keystream)])

After running the code you will get flag HTB{und3r57AnD1n9_57R3aM_C1PH3R5_15_51mPl3_a5_7Ha7}