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The Needle

As a part of our SDLC process, we've got our firmware ready for security testing. Can you help us by performing a security assessment?

Given an binary file.


This WriteUp Solution is password protected by the flag of the challenge.

To search or extract files from binary file binwalk is used so extract the files from the binary file.

binwalk --extract firmware.bin
# Extracted 1 directory: firmware.bin.extracted search for keywords like "flag","password","login","admin","root","secret" in the extracted files.
grep -r "flag" firmware.bin.extracted
grep -r "login" firmware.bin.extracted

on grepping for loggin we get this grep_login you can see in there is Device_Admin taking its password from sign file. since in this image you can see login as Device_Admin and taking value from sign file which contains qS6-X/n]u>fVfAt!, After login by username:Device_Admin and password: qS6-X/n]u>fVfAt! we get into the console.

After that we can run any command,run ls and you will see flag.txt and run flag.txt you will get flag =HTB{4_hug3_blund3r_d289a1_!!}